Friday 27 April 2012

X is for the eX

X is for the eX

A slice of life
To cut with a knife
A portion for you,
A portion for me
It wasn't half and half.
The partnership was slanted
The way that you wanted.
Stir in a couple of children
No more a Garden of Eden.

No matter how I tried
Your love for me didn't survive
You looked and saw greener grass
Leaving me deep in the morass.
Explanations weren’t satisfactory
And you were still derogatory
So after year twenty-three
It came to a decree nisi.
For what we shared
You should have shown that you cared
Life is too short so you said
And then left my bed.

You broke my heart and my head.
Now my heart is physically broken
And nothing more is spoken.
Too little too late
You’ve sealed your own fate.

You stretched the boundaries
All I have left are the memories
Some are precious jewels to treasure
That are far too numerous to measure.

Left to pick up the pieces,
It took me a while to gather myself
But ten years down the line
This gent of mine suits me just fine


  1. Another very touching poem and I love the quote at the end.

  2. I agree--this is a touching poem. Nice job!

  3. Quite lovely and sometimes that's all we can do is ick up the pieces; we can't change minds but gather the remnants and move forward...

  4. Glad you opened your heart again.

  5. This sounds similar to my life. Fortunately things turned out okay for me as well, but it's too bad about the sucky parts. I could have done without those.

    Glad you're in a good place now.

    A Faraway View
    An A to Z Co-host blog
