Thursday, 5 April 2012

E is for Enchanted

E is for Enchanted
Enchanted moments that catch us unaware
Special times to alleviate your despair
 A gentle puff of air
A breeze that tickles your hair
A butterfly flitting past landing on a flower
Listening to birdsong in the evening hour
Gazing at the moon wondering who is there
Telling my secrets to those I want to care

Enchanted beings, angels to guide and protect
Steering me along the path, a light shining direct
As I meander and waver and weave
Sometimes knowing, sometimes naive
Enchantment gathers hopes from desolate land
New growth springs from arid sand

So believe in angels, fairies and dragons
Spirits and unicorns with all your imagination
To love and live and laugh out loud
Look for enchantment in every cloud.


  1. Hi, Enjoyed this! Particularly loved your final stanza ... I believe in looking "for enchantment in every cloud" ... and every corner.

    Thanks for this, and thanks for your comments ... nice to have discovered you on A to Z.


  2. An enchanting read :) I love the rhythm of poems written in rhyming couplets.

    Here's my E post:

  3. Lovely. I love the illustrations as well.

  4. Fabulous!

    'As I meander and waver and weave
    Sometimes knowing, sometimes naive'

  5. Wonderful! Reading this made me feel all light and airy :) The pictures are beautiful too, and compliment your gentle words perfectly!
