Tuesday 26 January 2016

Sun Flowers

FFfAW – Week of January 26, 2016

50th Challenge
Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers
Week of 01-26 through 02-01-2016

This week's photo prompt is provided by Sonya, owner of the blog, Only 100 Words. Thank you Sonya!
Guide for Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers
1. A prompt photo will be provided each Tuesday to be used as a base to your story. Please include photo prompt with your story.
2. Linking for this challenge begins on Tuesday and runs to the following Monday evening.
3. Please credit photo to photographer
4. The story word limit is 100 - 150 words (+ - 25 words). Please try and stay within this limit.
5. Pingback to the challenge post in your story's post.
6. This is a flash fiction challenge (stories in 100-175 words or less) and each story should have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Therefore, no serial (continuation) stories. They become too complicated for our readers.
7. Add your story to the InLinkz Link-up (Blue Froggy button). If you need link-up instructions, please email at mepricelessjoy@gmail.com.
*8. Please keep your stories no more than PG 13 rating.
9. Remember, half the fun is reading and commenting on each other's stories.

Here is my flash:

Dorothy came round the corner, her bones were aching, her feet hurt and her arthritic hands gripped her stroller tightly.  Pushing her weekly shop ahead of her she stopped to take in the sight before her.

Sunflowers.  How were these growing outside a wall in an urban street?  It always amazed her how nature did what it did.  In all her 70 odd years she hadn't seen them growing tall and strong through the cracks in the pavement.   Such determination these tall stems had. 

Dorothy thought it was a bit like her own life. She was always reaching out, trying to grow and now in her twilight years she was finding new ways of developing her mind and creative skills.  The physical abilities were long gone but her mind was still as sharp as ever.  She took out her mobile phone, snapped a photo and sent it to her granddaughter and wrote: 

‘Sunshine for my sunshine.’

Monday 25 January 2016

Enough is Enough


The Six Easy Guidelines
§  A photo prompt and an introductory sentence/ topic is to be used as your ‘muse’. They will arrive promptly at midnight each Friday morning.
§  Include the photo prompt and its credits with your story on your blog. Use of the introductory sentence/ topic is optional. Some followers like the introductory sentence ideas.
§  All stories are to be crafted and honed to under 200 words in length.
§  Each flash fiction piece should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. No serial stories. It is harder to stay abreast of a serial story. (Please keep content PG-13.)
§  Post your flash fiction response by clicking on THE BLUE FROG. Follow the given directions.
§  It is the desire of this blog to begin a new writing community. Plan a day to visit the writings of our challengers to enjoy our creations and to provide a little positive feedback.

Your Photo Prompt for Week #4- 2016

The opening sentence for the January 22nd  Flash Fiction for the Purposeful Practitioner:  “Enough is enough.”

Enough is enough
Life is so very tough
She couldn’t go on anymore
Waking up was such a chore
Dragging one foot in front of the other
Trying to be a wife and mother
Dodging the blows that came her way
Night after night, day after day.

Enough is enough
Life was so very rough
He didn’t mean to lose his temper
Sometimes he just couldn’t remember
Times before when she loved him more
Greeted him with a smile at the door
Now she scowled and cringed at his voice
Was there another choice?

Enough is enough
Too much stuff
To endure these fights
Occurring every night
When he was older and bigger
He would stop his dad’s anger
He would take his mum away
One day.

Enough is enough
The lad was always so gruff
Mrs. Pearson worried about the boy
So white and pale and coy
The headmaster didn’t care
She needed to share
Her concerns with the welfare people
It would be a long uphill battle.

Enough was enough
Time for the bailiff
They took the TV
And the settee
But not the mother
Or the father
It was far too late
To stop the boy’s hate.

Word count: 200

 Sally Stackhouse 25 January 2016