Friday 30 July 2021

CBWC: People at Work


CBWC: People at Work

This week our topic is People at Work.

Here is my selection:

Garden renovations

Bella helping me work

Not quite sure how much work the Dumb Waiter does

Roadworks outside our house

Checking the engine on the light gauge railway

Train driver on the normal size steam railway

Wednesday 28 July 2021

Story Prompt for July 25 2021


Story Prompt for July 25, 2021


Use these words and photos in your story:

wind          elapse          crutch          talk          young

and these three pictures:

photo Kajetan Sumila on Unsplash

photo by Jasmin Ne on Unsplash

photo by Finn H. on Unsplash

Here is my story:


Rob sat on the corner of the wall; his thoughts wandered all over the place.  He kept trying to focus, trying to work out what he could say to his young cousin.  He knew it was up to him to have a talk with him, Max couldn’t go on the way he had been, missing school, shop lifting, giving his parents so much angst, it was a wonder they still kept their sanity.

His Uncle Bob, who Rob was named after, as his mum had a real soft spot for her cousin, just couldn’t get through to Max, no matter what he tried.  Enough time had elapsed for somebody else to try and make the young lad see sense. 

Rob thought of Eloise and where she was at the moment.  She’d gone off on one of her adventures, although she was a bit of a daredevil, he loved her with all his heart.  He knew he would never change her and he didn’t want to.  Her last email showed her trying to transverse across a rickety wooden, slatted bridge of a large water course.  One puff of wind and she’d be hanging on to the ropes for dear life. 

After a couple of hours and a very numb bum, Rob left his perch and wandered home.  He called up to his mum to say he was home.

A muffled reply of, ‘I’m up here,’ came floating down the stairs.  He dashed up to the landing and found his mum rearranging the clothes in the wardrobe.


Eloise stopped in the middle of the wooden, slatted bridge spanning the water.  She took a deep breath as she looked down at the raging torrent below her.  Ha! Raging torrent, my foot.  More like a babbling brook.  It probably had pretentions of raging during the winter months but she couldn’t really see it.

 As she returned to an upright position, gripping the ropes tightly, she heard the rooks cawing and cackling, jeering at her.

You can’t do it! You won’t do it!

Yes, I can! Yes, I can! She chanted back at them. 

With another deep breath she took her time, placing one foot in front of the other she steadily made her way to the end of the rope walk.  She sat down heavily on the grassy knoll, trying to steady her heartbeat.  Gradually its rhythm returned to normal as she sat and pondered on what she had just done.

She knew Rob would be at home, waiting for her, his love and loyalty something she trusted with all her heart.  She didn’t tell him how much she appreciated him allowing her to spread her wings.  Hmm, ‘allowing’ was the wrong word.  Nobody allowed her to do anything she wanted to do.  If she wanted to do it, she would find a way to do it, she didn’t need anybody’s permission.  She was independent, a grown woman, able to make her own decisions but ….. but she really missed Rob’s strong and steady influence.  Once she returned home, she would do her utmost to make sure he knew how much she loved him. It was just that she wasn’t ready to settle down in to a humdrum life, spend several years in the rat race, commuting to the office every day until her biological clock started to kick in and she was ready for motherhood.  H

Would Rob wait for her?  Was she willing to take that risk?  Perhaps this was the last adventure she would undertake on her own, maybe they could find something to do together.

Yes, that was a good plan.  She’d think about that when this trip was over.


Martha thought to herself, ‘ever wished you’d never started a job?’  Going through her mother-in-law’s clothing was turning out to be heart-wrenching.  She thought she was ready, after all it was more than a year since Doreen had passed away.  Jim couldn’t do it.  This was something practical she could do for him and take this last burden from his shoulders.  What they would do with this room she couldn’t even begin to hazard a guess.  It had been Doreen’s space for so long, ever since she’d come to live them five years ago.  It hadn’t been as hard as she thought it might be and Doreen had fitted in to their family unit so nicely, not interfering but being there with a listening ear when needed. 

Boy, did they need her wisdom now in how to deal with Max, Bob’s teenage son.  Rob had promised he would have a chat with him and see if he could help set him on the straight and narrow before it ballooned in to more serious offences. 

Now, if only his lovely Eloise would come home and stay home.  Martha sighed again as she rummaged through the dresses on the hangars, she knew nobody should, or even could, clip Eloise’s wings, they would just have to wait and see. 

She heard Rob come home and call up to her.  She knew that he was the crutch her and Jim and Eloise and Bob had come to rely on, he certainly took after his grandmother in that respect. 


Word count: 864


CFFC: Yellow


CFFC: Yellow

This week’s CFFC topic is Yellow.

Here is my selection:

Doll with yellow ribbons

Hedgehog with yellow hat

Bed of yellow daffodils

Vase of yellow roses

Yellow no parking lines on road

Friday 23 July 2021

CBWC: Reflections and Mirrors


CBWC: Reflections and Mirrors

This week the black and white challenge is Reflections and Mirrors. 

Bridge arches reflected in river

Coach driver reflected in rear view mirror 

Black swans reflected in the lake

View from the wing mirror - stuck in traffic!

Wednesday 21 July 2021

CFFC: Pink


CFFC: Pink

This week’s CFFC topic is 

Here are my choices for this week's challenge:

Pink fairy

Pink roses

Percy Pig biscuit tin

Hand knitted pink bag

Hand knitted ear saver and head band ear saver

Fingerless mittens

Pink chocolate stiletto shoe

Friday 16 July 2021

CBWC: Fields and Landscapes


CBWC: Fields and Landscapes

My selection for this week's topic:

View from Goodrich Castle

And from the other side 
House hiding beyond the views

Local fields

Fields and barns

Pampas grass 

Wednesday 14 July 2021

CFFC: White


This week our challenge is:  white

If you would like to join in:

Here is my selection:

White wedding car

Railway station gate

White silk flowers

White flower at Doddington Gardens


Toilet rolls😁😉

Wednesday 7 July 2021

 Joining in with Words for Wednesday 

This July, the host for Words for Wednesday is

Words for Wednesday is started by Delores and now is hosted by various people on various blogs. The aim of Words for Wednesday is to encourage us to write using some or all of the prompts.

This week the prompt words are:

1. orphan
2. island
3. farm
4. brother
5. freckles
6. red-haired
7. imagination
8. friend
9. charm
10. Home

Here is my short story using all the words.

Orphan Annie came home after leaving her job on the farm.  She couldn’t stand her red-haired friend’s brother teasing her about her own freckles.  Lisa told her Nick had a lot of charm and charisma but honestly, thought Annie, that must have been in her wildest imagination or maybe it was just sibling loyalty. 

So, here she was again, in the bosom of her family, her haven, her go-to when the going got tough.  It was her island of peace where she could recoup, relax and recharge her batteries.  

Friday 2 July 2021


CBWC: Trees or Tree Parts

This week our topic is Trees or tree parts: leaves, branches, stump, logs, bark etc.

My pictures for this week's topic.

Fallen tree on a grave

Bare trees

Secret Forest - Forest of Dean

Two trees in the local park

Trees on the skyline

Tree cutting


Christmas tree and logs