Saturday 15 July 2017

Cee's Which Way Photo Challenge

Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge – July 14, 2017

Cee’s Which Way Challenge

My entry for this week:

Day trip to Margate, Kent, UK. 

On the M2 Motorway with our lovely, polite and helpful driver.  The day started with rain and ended with brilliant sunshine. 

This way please to the Shell Grotto.

Single file ladies, please. 

We bravely descended down the steps to the Shell Grotto.

We stopped for lunch at a wonderful, old fashioned hotel.
But do we take the stairs or the lift?

Then on to our next destination where the sun made its appearance. 

A great day out. 


  1. That shot down the staircase is interesting: funky colors, shadows, textures, etc.

  2. Nice photos for this week's challenge. Thanks for playing along.
