Monday, 31 July 2017


Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge: July 30, 2017

This challenge is for those photos you take that don’t really fit into any common category.  There is never a theme to this challenge, so what is an odd ball is all up for you to discover and photograph.

My photos for this week: 

Saturday, 29 July 2017

Cee's Which Way Photo Challenge

Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge – July 28, 2017

This Which Way challenge is all about capturing the roads, walks, trails, rails, steps, signs, etc. we move from one place to another on.  You can walk on them, climb them, drive them, ride on them, as long as the specific way is visible.  Any angle of a bridge is acceptable as are any signs.

My Entry This Week:

This is my brother's view from his office looking out over Dover Docks

Friday, 28 July 2017

Cee's Black and White - Anything with numbers

This week the topic is Numbers: Anything with Numbers on It.  
The main focus of your photo should contain at least one number and be prevalent in your photo. 


Car Radio

Four years ago my parents celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary – 60 years married

Diamond anniversary balloons

Diamond wedding anniversary cake and cards

My door number

Car radio

Sign on the roadside

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Cee's fun Foto Challenge: Fire Trucks, Fire Houses and Fire Hydrant

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Fire Trucks, Fire Houses, Fire Hydrant

Odd Twists looking for the bizarre and the common things we don’t always take photos of.  This week the topic is Fire Trucks, Fire Houses, Fire Hydrant basically anything to do with putting fires out. 

The UK doesn’t have fire hydrants sticking up out of the ground as many other countries do.  We have subtle signs, usually on walls to show where the water may be obtained. 

This is our fire station, luckily they weren't out on a call when I took these photos

Fire engine maintenance

During the summer you can find fire engines at outdoor events.

Friday, 21 July 2017

Cee's Black and White Photo Challenge: Wheels

This week the topic is Wheels.  The main focus of your photo should have at least one wheel in it. 


Baskets and wooden wheel

Lord Roberts 

An old bicycle
Penny Farthing in an olde worlde pub

a collection of Penny Farthings

A large wheel
Steam engine 

Thursday, 20 July 2017

Cee's Fun Foto Challenge - Engines and Gears

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Gears and Engines

This week the topic is Gears and Engines.  Cars and the gears of a clock are obvious for this week’s topic.

I hope you enjoy my selection. 
Steam train
Steam engine
My garden clock 
The gear stick in my car plus authentic dust!

Tractor engine

Tuesday, 18 July 2017


Here is my 200 word story prompted by this photo kindly provided by Mike Vore. 

Photo Credit:  Mike Vore


Rachel parked and saw the building across the road. She shook her head in dismay.  The first word that came to her mind was ‘ramshackle’ but there was no way she could put that on the sales details.

Why had she let her sister persuade her to do this favour for her friend?  It wasn't as though Rachel knew Annabelle’s friend.  Suzy was her name, she was in dire straits after her fiancé had upped and left her with a mortgage on this house that they had been doing up but now she needed a quick sale. Well that certainly wasn't going to happen any time soon.

Needs attention.

Fulfil your dreams in a house – no.

Unlimited potential.

Place your own stamp on this property.


Great for a DIY project.

Rachel put her notebook away.  She’d have to take photos and measurements, she hoped the structure was safe.

Two weeks later Mike took one look at the details in the estate agent’s window – that was it, his dream home.   Mike smiled at Rachel as he sat at her desk.  That house would bring them together.

Word count:  200

Monday, 17 July 2017

Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge: July 16, 2017

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Cee's Which Way Photo Challenge

Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge – July 14, 2017

Cee’s Which Way Challenge

My entry for this week:

Day trip to Margate, Kent, UK. 

On the M2 Motorway with our lovely, polite and helpful driver.  The day started with rain and ended with brilliant sunshine. 

This way please to the Shell Grotto.

Single file ladies, please. 

We bravely descended down the steps to the Shell Grotto.

We stopped for lunch at a wonderful, old fashioned hotel.
But do we take the stairs or the lift?

Then on to our next destination where the sun made its appearance. 

A great day out.