Thursday, 6 August 2015


Rochelle says:
The following photo is the PROMPT. A few of you may recognize it from three years ago, although for most I think it will be new. Due to a current emergency, I’ll be recuperating from oral surgery by the time this post goes live. Next week will also be a repeat to allow more time to visit with out of town guests. So if I don’t answer your comments right away or comment on your story, you’ll know the reason why. Thanks to all of you for your understanding.  
Shalom, Rochelle
This link will take you to Rochelle’s page where you can find the sign up list and enter your own 100 word flash fiction if you wish to join us.

Photo credit:  Madison Woods


Marissa was never camping again.   Where was the electricity?  How was she going to do her hair in the morning?  A false nail had broken pulling on the guy rope to hold the tent down.  Her right calf muscle ached from pumping up the air bed.

Supper was blackened sausages, bullet hard baked beans and something that was supposed to be a jacket potato.

When she had asked Jake about the facilities he grinned as he handed her a roll of toilet paper and pointed to the trees.

He was going to pay for this big time .........  with diamonds.





  1. Primitive camping is not for me either. Jake had better come through ~

  2. She deserves to be rewarded for this!
    Nice and light story.

  3. be one with nature! Nice one.

  4. There are worse ways to earn a diamond. Camping would be the most fun! :)
    Great story!

  5. I had a good chuckle. I'm not as high maintenance as Marissa, but I must admit, my kind of "camping" involves a cabin with running water and a toilet. Especially after the time I ended up with poison ivy on my butt when I used the "outdoor facility." True story!
    Thanks for visiting us at

  6. LOL. Maybe she and Jake should have talked to each other before going on vacation. But if she can manipulate him into diamonds... good for her. Fun story. And for the record: I love camping outdoors, the outdoorsier, the better. :)

  7. Oh yes, I've been there. With hay fever too. Well described.

  8. Hah! Oddly, just today I went out and bought a battery-powered airbed inflator - no more foot pump for me. Perhaps Jake should try that rather than the diamonds?

  9. I share Marissa's feelings about camping. Although I love sitting around a campfire, I like to walk away from it, shower and jump into a nicely made bed with fresh sheets, well away from bugs and close to modern bathroom facilities! I'm such a princess!

  10. Dear Sally,

    Marissa's feelings are understandable.



  11. Hi again, Sally,

    Just saw that you signed up for the WEP challenge. Wonderful. Not having you there just wouldn't have been the same. Thank you. I know your Spectacular Setting will be amazing!

  12. I'm definitely on Marissa's side. There's nothing fun about camping. Great story.

  13. I'm with her all the way. Why after millennia of seeking comfort would man want to go back to pre-stone age times. For heavens sake, Jake.
